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Wing Construction

Wing Construction.

Aileron Pulleys Installed

May 2003 - Just finished installing aileron cables and pulleys


This is the left wing.  Nearly finished.  I still need to cleanup and sand the wing tip and varnish.  I'll build the elevator horn and then it'll be ready to hang on the wall and proceed to the second wing. (I'm glad this isn't a bi-plane.)
September 2002


Wrapping the plywood leading edge around the front of the wing.  Used 1.5 mm plywood.  Not hard to do at all.  Just soak a couple of towels in water and lay along the leading edge on top of the plywood.  It takes about 2 hours to soften the ply enough to make a real tight radius.



Above is an aileron hinge.  Made from 3" hardware store hinges.  I doubled them and welded along the edges for a factor of safety..  Below is the process of drilling some very, very expensive holes.  These spars run about $600 for four boards, so you definitly measure  - oh, about twenty times - and cut (or drill) once.







3/1/03  Wings going to the hangar.

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