Uncle Bert's Motor Werks

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Ahhhhh.  The big day is finally here.  I received my newly acquired Continental A-65 on a pallett via Yellow Truck lines.  All wrapped up snug as a bug on the pallett, I even had a Yellow employee call me to try to buy it off the dock.
NO WAY.  That's mine , baby!!!!


Unwrapped that bad boy!  Yep, no broken pieces - it looks like an A-65! 


But wait!  What's that?  A bent push rod tube?  I took off the rocker box cover, removed the rocker arm, and  pulled out the rod and it's bent ,too.  Now that sucks.  How'd that happen?


Let's take a closer look.....  Yep, looks like some moron bent it trying to get the intake manifold off.   Either that or this motors hit the dirt, the manifold got knocked backward and bent the rod tube - and the log book doesnt mention it. Oh, well, time to pull it down, jug by jug, check the runout, and replace the bent push rod and tube..


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