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1978 Honda GL1000 (basket case)



December 2008
Uh-Oh!  What have I done?  This bike came to me as a salvage from an estate sale.  It had sat outside in the woods for 19 years and was a total disaster.  A total rust-bucket it was, all the chrome and plastic was shot, the engine was totally locked up, mice living in the seat.   YUCK. 
Fortunately a Florida title was available and I started the restoration shortly thereafter.  Let the games begin!!



Wiring was just a disaster!


What a mess!


Petrified Lizard

Poor little guy crawled up into the head through the open exhaust valve - Let us pause for a moment of silence please.......




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Pretty much complete now.  It's certainly not a show bike but its a good, comfortable "rider".  This was taken on the Cherohala Skyway in June 2010 on a 1800 mile ride through North Georgia, North Carolina, East Tennessee, and Northern Alabama.  A great time had by all - and a fitting celebration for the resurrection of a thrown away old scoot.

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